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screen rights

  • 1 screen rights

    n pl Filmrechte pl

    English-german dictionary > screen rights

  • 2 screen rights

    Filmrechte pl

    English-German students dictionary > screen rights

  • 3 screen rights

    screen rights npl droits mpl d'adaptation à l'écran.

    Big English-French dictionary > screen rights

  • 4 screen rights

    [Cin] [ma] [l] [vision] droits d'adaptation cinématographique

    English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > screen rights

  • 5 screen rights

    nome plurale diritti m. cinematografici
    * * *
    nome plurale diritti m. cinematografici

    English-Italian dictionary > screen rights

  • 6 screen rights

    plural noun droits mpl d'adaptation à l'écran

    English-French dictionary > screen rights

  • 7 screen rights

    derechos cinematográficos.

    Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español > screen rights

  • 8 screen

    screen [skri:n]
    1 noun
    stars of stage and screen des vedettes de théâtre et de cinéma;
    the book was adapted for the screen le livre a été porté à l'écran;
    the big screen (cinema) le grand écran;
    the small screen (television) le petit écran
    (b) (for protection → in front of fire) pare-étincelles m inv; (→ over window) moustiquaire f; (→ against draught) paravent m
    (c) (for privacy) paravent m;
    the girls formed a screen round her while she changed les filles ont fait écran autour d'elle pendant qu'elle se changeait;
    a screen of trees un rideau d'arbres;
    the rooms are divided by sliding screens les pièces sont séparées par des cloisons coulissantes
    (d) figurative (mask) écran m, masque m;
    it's only a screen to hide his embarrassment ce n'est qu'un masque pour cacher sa gêne;
    the shop was just a screen for her criminal activities le magasin n'était qu'une couverture pour ses activités criminelles
    (e) (sieve) tamis m, crible m; American (ventilation grill in door) grille f de ventilation
    (f) (filter → for employees, candidates) filtre m, crible m
    (g) (in basketball) écran m
    (h) Computing écran m;
    to work on screen travailler sur écran;
    to bring up the next screen amener l'écran suivant
    (star) de cinéma
    (a) Cinema & Television (film) projeter, passer; (show on television) passer à l'écran
    (b) (shelter, protect) protéger;
    he screened his eyes from the sun with his hand il a mis sa main devant ses yeux pour se protéger du soleil;
    they've tried to screen her from the harsh realities of life ils ont essayé de la protéger des dures réalités de la vie
    (c) (hide) cacher, masquer;
    to screen sth from sight cacher ou masquer qch aux regards;
    a line of trees screened the entrance une rangée d'arbres cachait l'entrée
    (d) (filter, check → employees, applications, suspects) passer au crible;
    we screen all our security staff nous faisons une enquête préalable sur tous les candidats aux postes d'agent de sécurité;
    all airlines now screen passengers systematically les compagnies aériennes font maintenant passer systématiquement tous les passagers par un détecteur;
    Medicine the hospital screens thousands of women a year for breast cancer l'hôpital fait passer un test de dépistage du cancer du sein à des milliers de femmes tous les ans
    (e) (sieve → coal, dirt, grain) cribler, passer au crible
    ►► Cinema screen actor acteur m de cinéma;
    Cinema & Television Screen Actors' Guild = syndicat américain des acteurs;
    Cinema screen actress actrice f de cinéma;
    Cinema & Television screen adaptation adaptation f à l'écran;
    Computing screen capture capture f d'écran;
    Computing screen controller contrôleur m d'écran;
    Computing screen display affichage m;
    American screen door porte f avec moustiquaire;
    Computing screen dump capture f d'écran;
    Computing screen font fonte f écran;
    screen generation génération f d'écrans;
    Electronics screen grid grille-écran f;
    Cinema & Television screen image image f à l'écran;
    screen line ligne-écran f;
    Psychology screen memory souvenir-écran m;
    screen print sérigraphie f;
    screen printing sérigraphie f;
    screen process sérigraphie f;
    Computing screen refresh actualisation f ou régénération f de l'écran;
    Cinema screen rights droits mpl d'adaptation à l'écran;
    Computing screen saver économiseur m d'écran;
    Computing screen shot capture f d'écran;
    Cinema screen test bout m d'essai;
    Stock Exchange screen trader opérateur(trice) m,f sur écran;
    Stock Exchange screen trading opérations fpl sur écran;
    Cars screen wash lave-glace m;
    Television & Cinema screen writing écriture f de scénarios
    (a) (put screens round → patient) abriter derrière un paravent; (→ bed) entourer de paravents;
    the police had screened off the garden la police avait mis des bâches autour du jardin
    (b) (divide, separate → with partition) séparer par une cloison; (→ with curtain) séparer par un rideau; (→ with folding screen) séparer par un paravent;
    the manager's office is screened off by a glass partition le bureau du directeur est séparé par une cloison vitrée
    (c) (hide → with folding screen) cacher derrière un paravent; (→ with curtain) cacher derrière un rideau; (→ behind trees, wall) cacher;
    the house was screened off from the road by tall trees de grands arbres empêchaient de voir la maison depuis la route
    filtrer, éliminer;
    this cream screens out UV rays cette crème protège des UV, cette crème absorbe ou filtre les UV;
    unsuitable blood donors are screened out les donneurs dont le sang est inutilisable sont exclus ou éliminés

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > screen

  • 9 screen

    screen [skri:n]
    1. noun
       a. [of television, computer, cinema] écran m
    the screen ( = cinema) le grand écran
    on screen (information, image) à l'écran
       b. (in room) paravent m ; [of trees] rideau m
       a. ( = hide) masquer ; ( = protect) protéger
       b. [+ film] projeter
       c. ( = check) [+ candidates] présélectionner
    screen name noun (Cinema) nom m d'acteur/d'actrice
    * * *
    [skriːn] 1.
    1) Cinema, Computing, Television écran m

    on screenComputing sur l'écran; Cinema, Television à l'écran

    he writes for the screenCinema il écrit pour le cinéma

    2) ( folding panel) paravent m; ( partition) cloison f mobile; ( to protect) écran m
    3) fig couverture f
    4) Medicine visite f de dépistage
    noun modifier Cinema [ actor, star] de cinéma; [ appearance, debut] cinématographique, au cinéma
    1) ( show on screen) Cinema projeter; Television diffuser
    2) ( conceal) cacher; ( protect) protéger
    3) ( test) examiner le cas de [applicants]; contrôler le statut de [refugees]; contrôler [baggage]; Medicine faire passer des tests de dépistage à [patient]

    to be screened[staff] faire l'objet d'une enquête de sécurité

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-French dictionary > screen

  • 10 screen

    1. noun
    1) (a flat, movable, often folding, covered framework for preventing a person etc from being seen, for decoration, or for protection from heat, cold etc: Screens were put round the patient's bed; a tapestry fire-screen.) biombo
    2) (anything that so protects etc a person etc: He hid behind the screen of bushes; a smokescreen.) pantalla, cortina
    3) (the surface on which films or television pictures appear: cinema/television/radar screen.) pantalla

    2. verb
    1) (to hide, protect or shelter: The tall grass screened him from view.) ocultar, tapar, proteger
    2) (to make or show a cinema film.) estrenar, proyectar
    3) (to test for loyalty, reliability etc.) investigar
    4) (to test for a disease: Women should be regularly screened for cancer.) examinar
    - the screen
    1. pantalla
    2. biombo / mampara
    1 (partition - folding) biombo; (- of wood, glass) mampara; (fireguard) pantalla
    2 (for window) alambrera, mosquitera, mosquitero
    3 (protection, cover) cortina, pantalla
    4 (of TV, for projection) pantalla
    6 (sieve) tamiz nombre masculino, criba
    1 (protect, shelter) proteger ( from, de), abrigar; (hide, conceal) tapar, ocultar
    2 figurative use (protect - gen) proteger, abrigar, amparar; (- criminal) encubrir
    3 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL (examine) someter a una exploración médica
    4 (test) investigar, someter a una investigación
    5 (film - gen) proyectar; (- first time) estrenar; (- on TV) emitir
    6 (sieve) cribar, tamizar, pasar por el tamiz
    1 la pantalla, el cine
    screen door puerta mosquitera
    screen test prueba
    screen ['skri:n] vt
    1) shield: proteger
    2) conceal: tapar, ocultar
    3) examine: someter a una revisión, hacerle un chequeo (a un paciente)
    4) sieve: cribar
    1) partition: biombo m, pantalla f
    2) sieve: criba f
    3) : pantalla f (de un televisor, una computadora, etc.)
    4) movies: cine m
    5) or window screen : ventana f de tela etálica
    pantalla (Informática) s.f. (Filter)
    filtro s.m.
    alcahuete s.m.
    antipara s.f.
    biombo s.m.
    cortina s.f.
    criba s.f.
    garbillo s.m.
    mampara s.f.
    rejilla s.f.
    retícula s.f.
    tamiz s.m. (To filter)
    filtrar v.
    cerner v.
    cribar v.
    cubrir v.
    encubrir v.
    esconder v.
    garbillar v.
    ocultar v.
    proteger v.
    proyectar v.
    rodar v.
    tamizar v.

    I skriːn
    a) ( movable device) pantalla f; ( folding) biombo m; ( as partition) mampara f
    b) (protective, defensive) cortina f; ( at window) mosquitero m
    2) (Cin, Comput, Phot, TV) pantalla f

    the silver screen — el cine, el celuloide (period)

    the small screen — la pequeña pantalla, la pantalla chica (AmL); (before n) < adaptation> al cine, a la pantalla grande

    screen rightsderechos mpl de adaptación al cine

    a) ( conceal) ocultar, tapar

    to screen something/somebody FROM something: the trees screen the house from the road los árboles no dejan ver la casa desde la carretera; we were screened from view by the wall — la pared nos tapaba

    b) ( protect) proteger*

    to screen something/somebody from something — proteger* algo/a alguien de algo

    2) \<\<TV program\>\> emitir; \<\<film\>\> proyectar
    3) (check, examine) \<\<blood donor\>\> someter a una revisión (médica) or a un chequeo; \<\<applicants/candidates\>\> someter a una investigación de antecedentes

    to screen somebody/something FOR something: the cans are screened for possible contamination las latas se examinan por si estuvieran contaminadas; to screen somebody for cancer — someter a alguien a un chequeo para el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer

    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (=physical barrier) (in room) biombo m ; (on window, door) (to keep out mosquitos) mosquitera f ; (for fire) pantalla f ; (in front of VDU) filtro m
    2) (Cine, TV, Tech, Comput) [of television, computer, in cinema, for slides] pantalla f

    radar screenpantalla f de radar

    she was the ideal mother, both on and off screen — era la madre ideal, tanto dentro como fuera de la pantalla

    stars of the screenestrellas fpl de la pantalla, estrellas fpl de cine

    the big/small screen — la pantalla grande/pequeña

    3) (fig)
    4) (Mil) cortina f
    2. VT

    to screen (from)(=hide) (from view, sight) ocultar or tapar (de); (=protect) proteger (de)

    2) (=show) [+ film] proyectar; [+ TV programme] emitir; (for the first time) estrenar; [+ novel etc] adaptar para el cine, hacer una versión cinematográfica de
    3) (=sieve) [+ coal] tamizar
    4) (for security) [+ suspect, applicant] investigar

    he was screened by Security — Seguridad le investigó, estuvo sometido a investigaciones de Seguridad

    5) (Med)
    6) [+ telephone calls] filtrar

    screen actor Nactor m de cine

    screen actress Nactriz f de cine

    screen display N — (Comput) visualización f en pantalla

    screen door Npuerta f con mosquitera

    screen dump N — (Comput) pantallazo m, captura f de pantalla

    screen editing N — (Comput) corrección f en pantalla

    screen goddess Ndiosa f de la gran pantalla

    screen legend Nleyenda f de la gran pantalla

    screen memory N — (Comput) memoria f de la pantalla

    screen name N[of actor] nombre m artístico; (on the internet) nick m

    screen printing Nserigrafiado m, serigrafía f

    screen rights NPLderechos mpl cinematográficos

    screen test Nprueba f cinematográfica

    * * *

    I [skriːn]
    a) ( movable device) pantalla f; ( folding) biombo m; ( as partition) mampara f
    b) (protective, defensive) cortina f; ( at window) mosquitero m
    2) (Cin, Comput, Phot, TV) pantalla f

    the silver screen — el cine, el celuloide (period)

    the small screen — la pequeña pantalla, la pantalla chica (AmL); (before n) < adaptation> al cine, a la pantalla grande

    screen rightsderechos mpl de adaptación al cine

    a) ( conceal) ocultar, tapar

    to screen something/somebody FROM something: the trees screen the house from the road los árboles no dejan ver la casa desde la carretera; we were screened from view by the wall — la pared nos tapaba

    b) ( protect) proteger*

    to screen something/somebody from something — proteger* algo/a alguien de algo

    2) \<\<TV program\>\> emitir; \<\<film\>\> proyectar
    3) (check, examine) \<\<blood donor\>\> someter a una revisión (médica) or a un chequeo; \<\<applicants/candidates\>\> someter a una investigación de antecedentes

    to screen somebody/something FOR something: the cans are screened for possible contamination las latas se examinan por si estuvieran contaminadas; to screen somebody for cancer — someter a alguien a un chequeo para el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > screen

  • 11 right

    1) общ. правота, правда, справедливость
    2) юр., фил. право (предоставляемая законодательством или системой морали возможность осуществлять определенные действия по отношению к другим лицам или предметам)

    to deny smb. the right — лишать кого-л. права

    to disclaim right — не признавать право; оспаривать право

    to maintain a right — заявлять право, сохранять в силе право

    to reserve right — оговаривать [сохранять\] право

    to surrender a right — отказываться от права, уступать право


    She has a right to the property. — У нее есть право на собственность.

    Government has certain rights in the invention. — Государство владеет определенными правами на изобретение.

    The minister has the right to be heard by parliament. — Министр имеет право выступать перед парламентом.

    CHILD [holder\]: consumer rights, gay rights, individual right, junior right, manorial right, right of owner CHILD [nature\]: accrued right, acquired right, chartered right, civil rights, constitutional right, contractual right, customary right, derivative right, divine right, economic property rights, equitable right, fundamental right, human right, inherent right innate right, legal right 1), legal right 2), legitimate right, patent right, prescriptive right, priority right 2), shopright, sovereign right, vested right CHILD [object\]: adaptation right, air right, ancillary right, bring-along rights, conversion right, copyright, distribution right, drag-along rights, film right, franchising right, job rights, homestead right, incorporeal right, information right, initial negotiating right, intellectual property right, licensing right, neighbouring right, non-property right, operating right, performing right, political right, pollution right, possessive right, possessory right, pre-emption right, pre-emptive right, pre-emptive subscription right, property rights, renewal right, reproduction right, right of action, right of association, right of confrontation, right to appeal, right to education, rights of first generation, right of routing, rights of second generation, rights of third generation, right of way, right to bid, right to bind, right to convey, right to damages, right to enforce, right to exclude, right to income, right to interest, right to know, right to privacy, right to put questions, right to recovery, right to remain silent, right to rest, right to return, right to sell, right to silence, right to speak, right to strike, right to travel, right to use, right to vote, screen right, stage right, stock appreciation right, stock right, stock subscription right, subscription right, tag-along rights, trademark right, underlying right, visitation right, voting right, water right, welfare right CHILD [extent\]: active right, bare right, commercial right, conditional right, exclusive right, inalienable right, incontestable right, monopoly right, negative right, non-commercial right, non-exclusive right, passive right, positive right, preferential right, prerogative right, prior right, priority right 1), sole right, unconditional right, advice of right
    3) упр. право, разрешение (официальное разрешение на что-л.; допуск к выполнению каких-л. обязанностей, к занятию какой-л. должности)
    4) пол. правый, правые
    а) (о политических партиях, взглядах, принципах и т. п. консервативной направленности; историческое происхождение термина связано с размещением консервативно настроенных членов Учредительного собрания периода Великой французской революции в зале заседаний справа от от председательствующего)

    The right have opposed the increases in the government spending. — Правые выступили против увеличения государственных расходов.

    The centre party has shown a noticeable move to the right in recent years. — Центристская партия в последние годы стала значительно правее.

    б) (о группе внутри партии, придерживающаяся более консервативных взглядов, чем основная часть членов партии)

    Members of the right of the party oppose the new manifesto. — Члены правой группы партии выступают против нового манифеста.


    * * *
    право: право владельца акций компании на участие в новых выпусках ценных бумаг этой компании на льготных условиях; см. ex-rights;
    * * *
    . . Словарь экономических терминов .

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > right

  • 12 monitor

    1. noun
    1) (a senior pupil who helps to see that school rules are kept.) responsable, encargado
    2) (any of several kinds of instrument etc by means of which something can be constantly checked, especially a small screen in a television studio showing the picture which is being transmitted at any given time: television monitor; computer monitor.) monitor

    2. verb
    (to act as, or to use, a monitor; to keep a careful check on: These machines/technicians monitor the results constantly.) controlar, observar
    monitor1 n monitor
    monitor2 vb controlar / hacer un seguimiento

    ◊ - tora sustantivo masculino, femenino
    a) (CS) (Dep):
    monitor de esquí/natación ski/swimming instructor;
    monitor de tenis tennis coach
    b) (Educ) ( en la escuela) (RPl) monitor;
    ( en la universidad) (Col) student who acts as an assistant teacher 2
    monitor sustantivo masculino (Inf, Med, Tec) monitor

    I sustantivo masculino y femenino (profesor) instructor
    II m Inform (pantalla) monitor ' monitor' also found in these entries: Spanish: monitora - controlar English: monitor - VDU - prefect - visual
    2 SMALLRADIO/SMALL (person) escucha nombre masulino o femenino
    3 (school pupil) responsable nombre masulino o femenino, encargado,-a
    4 (lizard) varano
    1 SMALLRADIO/SMALL (listen to) escuchar
    2 (check) controlar; (follow) seguir de cerca; (watch) observar
    monitor ['mɑnət̬ər] vt
    : controlar, monitorear
    1) : ayudante mf (en una escuela)
    2) : monitor m (de una computadora, etc.)
    monitor (Informática) s.m.
    admonitor s.m.
    amonestador, -ora s.m.,f.
    escucha s.f.
    controlar v.
    dirigir v.
    radiocaptar v.
    regular v.
    supervisar v.
    vigilar v.

    I 'mɑːnətər, 'mɒnɪtə(r)
    a) ( screen) monitor m
    b) ( for measuring) monitor m
    2) ( listener) escucha mf
    3) ( Educ) encargado, -da m,f, monitor, -tora m,f (CS)

    a) \<\<elections\>\> observar; \<\<process/progress\>\> seguir*, controlar; ( esp electronically) monitorizar*, monitorear
    b) \<\<radio station\>\> escuchar
    1. N
    1) (TV, Comput, Med) monitor m
    2) (=person) supervisor(a) m / f ; (Rad) radioescucha mf ; (Scol) encargado(-a) m / f (de la disciplina)
    2. VT
    1) (=control, check) [+ progress, process] seguir (la marcha de), controlar; [+ elections] observar; (with machine) monitorizar, monitorear

    we are monitoring the situation closelyestamos observando or controlando la situación de cerca

    2) (Rad) [+ foreign broadcasts, station] escuchar
    * * *

    I ['mɑːnətər, 'mɒnɪtə(r)]
    a) ( screen) monitor m
    b) ( for measuring) monitor m
    2) ( listener) escucha mf
    3) ( Educ) encargado, -da m,f, monitor, -tora m,f (CS)

    a) \<\<elections\>\> observar; \<\<process/progress\>\> seguir*, controlar; ( esp electronically) monitorizar*, monitorear
    b) \<\<radio station\>\> escuchar

    English-spanish dictionary > monitor

  • 13 television

    1) no pl., no art. das Fernsehen

    colour/black and white television — das Farb- / Schwarzweißfernsehen

    we have ten hours of television a daybei uns gibt es täglich 10 Stunden Fernsehprogramm

    live television — Live-Sendungen [im Fernsehen]

    on televisionim Fernsehen

    what's on television?was läuft od. gibt's im Fernsehen?

    2) (television set) Fernsehapparat, der; Fernseher, der (ugs.)
    * * *
    (often abbreviated to TV [ti:'vi:]) noun
    1) (the sending of pictures from a distance, and the reproduction of them on a screen: We saw it on television.) das Fernsehen
    2) ((also television set) an apparatus with a screen for receiving these pictures.) der Fernseher
    - academic.ru/73930/televise">televise
    * * *
    [ˈtelɪvɪʒən, AM -lə-]
    I. n
    1. (device) Fernsehgerät nt, Fernsehapparat m, Fernseher m fam
    colour [or AM color] \television Farbfernseher m
    to turn down/up the \television den Fernseher leiser/lauter stellen
    to turn on/off the \television den Fernseher an-/ausschalten
    2. no pl (TV broadcasting) Fernsehen nt
    on \television im Fernsehen
    to watch \television fernsehen
    to work in \television für das Fernsehen arbeiten
    \television broadcasting Fernsehübertragung f
    * * *
    Fernsehen nt; (= set) Fernseher m, Fernsehapparat m

    have you ever been on television?bist du schon einmal im Fernsehen gewesen?

    jobs in televisionStellen pl beim Fernsehen

    * * *
    television [ˈtelıˌvıʒn]
    A s
    1. Fernsehen n:
    be in television beim Fernsehen sein;
    on (the) im Fernsehen;
    what’s on television tonight? was gibt es heute Abend im Fernsehen?;
    watch television fernsehen;
    2. Fernsehapparat m, -gerät n, Fernseher m umg
    B adj Fernseh…:
    television advertising ( oder commercials pl) Werbefernsehen n, Fernsehwerbung f;
    television appearance Fernsehauftritt m;
    television licence Br Fernsehgenehmigung f;
    television set A 2;
    television tube Bildröhre f;
    television viewer Fernsehzuschauer(in)
    * * *
    1) no pl., no art. das Fernsehen

    colour/black and white television — das Farb- / Schwarzweißfernsehen

    live television — Live-Sendungen [im Fernsehen]

    what's on television?was läuft od. gibt's im Fernsehen?

    2) (television set) Fernsehapparat, der; Fernseher, der (ugs.)
    * * *
    Fernsehen n.
    Television f.

    English-german dictionary > television

  • 14 bring up

    transitive verb
    2) (educate) erziehen
    3) (rear) aufziehen; großziehen
    4) (call attention to) zur Sprache bringen [Angelegenheit, Thema, Problem]
    5) (vomit) erbrechen
    * * *
    1) (to rear or educate: Her parents brought her up to be polite.) erziehen
    2) (to introduce (a matter) for discussion: Bring the matter up at the next meeting.) zur Sprache bringen
    * * *
    to \bring up up ⇆ sth/sb etw/jdn heraufbringen
    to \bring up up ⇆ sb jdn großziehen [o aufziehen]
    we brought them up to respect other people's rights wir erzogen sie dazu, die Rechte anderer Menschen zu respektieren
    to be brought up a Catholic katholisch erzogen werden
    a well/badly brought-up child ein gut/schlecht erzogenes Kind
    3. (mention)
    to \bring up up ⇆ sth etw zur Sprache bringen
    don't \bring up up that old subject again fang nicht wieder mit diesem alten Thema an
    to \bring up up sth for discussion etw zur Diskussion stellen
    4. ( fam: vomit)
    to \bring up up one's breakfast/lunch das Frühstück/Mittagessen ausspucken fam
    5. MIL (convey)
    to \bring up up reinforcements/supplies die Front mit Verstärkung/Vorräten versorgen
    6. COMPUT (make appear on screen)
    to \bring up up a menu/dialog box ein Menü/Dialogfenster aufrufen
    to \bring up up the rear das Schlusslicht bilden
    to \bring up sb up short jdn plötzlich zum Anhalten bringen
    * * *
    vt sep
    1) (to a higher place) heraufbringen; (to the front) her-/hinbringen → academic.ru/60565/rear">rear
    2) (= raise, increase) amount, reserves erhöhen (to auf +acc); level, standards anheben
    3) (= rear) child, animal groß- or aufziehen; (= educate) erziehen

    a well/badly brought-up child — ein gut/schlecht erzogenes Kind

    to bring sb up to do sth — jdn dazu erziehen, etw zu tun

    he was brought up to believe that... — man hatte ihm beigebracht, dass...

    4) (= vomit up) brechen; (esp baby, patient) spucken (inf)
    5) (= mention) fact, problem zur Sprache bringen, erwähnen
    6) (JUR)

    to bring sb up ( before a judge) — jdn (einem Richter) vorführen

    7) (MIL) battalion heranbringen → rear
    * * *
    1. heraufbringen:
    bring sb up to the standard of the others jemanden auf das Niveau der anderen bringen
    a) auf-, großziehen
    b) erziehen:
    bring sb up to do sth jemanden dazu erziehen, etwas zu tun
    3. a) zur Sprache bringen
    b) ein Argument etc anführen
    4. Truppen heranführen: rear1 A 4
    5. eine Zahl etc hinaufsetzen, erhöhen, einen Betrag bringen ( alle:
    to auf akk)
    6. sein Frühstück etc (er)brechen
    7. seinen Wagen etc zum Stillstand oder zum Halten bringen:
    bring sb up short ( oder sharply) jemanden innehalten lassen
    8. JUR vor Gericht stellen ( for wegen)
    9. bring sb up against sth jemanden mit etwas konfrontieren
    * * *
    transitive verb
    2) (educate) erziehen
    3) (rear) aufziehen; großziehen
    4) (call attention to) zur Sprache bringen [Angelegenheit, Thema, Problem]
    5) (vomit) erbrechen
    * * *
    (children) v.
    erziehen v. (children) v.
    aufziehen v. v.
    heraufbringen v.
    vorbringen v.

    English-german dictionary > bring up

  • 15 bring up

    1) ( carry up)
    to \bring up up <-> sth/sb etw/jdn heraufbringen
    2) ( rear)
    to \bring up up <-> sb jdn großziehen [o aufziehen];
    we brought them up to respect other people's rights wir erzogen sie dazu, die Rechte anderer Menschen zu respektieren;
    to be brought up a Catholic katholisch erzogen werden;
    a well/ badly brought-up child ein gut/schlecht erzogenes Kind
    3) ( mention)
    to \bring up up <-> sth etw zur Sprache bringen;
    don't \bring up up that old subject again fang nicht wieder mit diesem alten Thema an;
    to \bring up up sth for discussion etw zur Diskussion stellen
    4) (fam: vomit)
    to \bring up up one's breakfast/ lunch das Frühstück/Mittagessen ausspucken ( fam)
    5) mil ( convey)
    to \bring up up reinforcements/ supplies die Front mit Verstärkung/Vorräten versorgen
    to \bring up up a menu/ dialog box ein Menü/Dialogfenster aufrufen
    to \bring up up the rear das Schlusslicht bilden;
    to \bring up sb up short jdn plötzlich zum Anhalten bringen

    English-German students dictionary > bring up

  • 16 set

    1. I
    1) the sun is setting солнце садится /заходит/
    2) his power has begun to set его могущество /власть/ слабеет; his star has set его звезда закатилась; his glory has set его слава померкла
    3) cement has set цемент схватился /затвердел/; the glue did not set клей не засох; the jelly has set желе застыло; blood (the white of the egg, etc.) set кровь и т.д. свернулась; the milk set молоко свернулось /створожилось/; all his muscles set все его мускулы напряглись; his face set его лицо-окаменело /застыло/
    4) young trees set молодые деревца принялись; the blossoms were abundant but they failed to set цветение было бурным, но плоды не завязались
    2. II
    1) set at some time the sun sets early (late, etc.) солнце заходит рано и т.д.; set in some manner the sun sets slowly солнце медленно садится
    3) set at some time the jelly hasn't set yet желе еще не застыло; set in some manner cement (mortar, glue, etc.) sets quickly цемент и т.д. быстро застывает /схватывается/; her hair sets easily ее волосы легко укладывать, у нее послушные волосы; his lips set stubbornly его губы упрямо сжались; his teeth set stubbornly он упрямо стиснул зубы
    3. III
    1) set smth. set a broken bone (dislocated joints, etc.) вправить кость и т.д.; set one's hair укладывать волосы; set the table накрывать на стол; set the stage расставлять декорации; set the scene подготовить обстановку; set the sails а) ставить паруса; б) отправляться в плавание; set a piano настраивать пианино; set a palette подготавливать палитру; set a razor править бритву; set a saw разводить пилу; set a clock (the hands of the watch, the alarm-clock) поставить часы; set the focus of a microscope настроить микроскоп; set a map ориентировать карту
    2) set smb., smth. set guards /sentries, watches/ расставлять часовых /караульных и т.п./; set the guard (the pickets) выставлять караул (пикеты)
    3) set smth. set the wedding day (the time, a date, a price, etc.) назначать день свадьбы и т.д.; set a fine устанавливать размер штрафа; set the course разработать /выработать/ курс; set standards (limits, a time-limit, boundaries, etc.) устанавливать нормы и т.д.; set requirements определять / вырабатывать/ требования; set a punishment наложить взыскание
    4) set smth. set an examination-paper (questions, problems, etc.) составлять письменную экзаменационную работу и т.д.; set a new style (a tone) задавать новый стиль (тон); set the fashion вводить моду; set a new model (a pattern) внедрять новый образец (покрой); set the расе задавать темп; set a record устанавливать рекорд; set a precedent создавать прецедент; set a good (bad) example подавать хороший (дурной) пример
    5) set smth. set a trap (a snare) поставить капкан (силки); set an ambush устроить засаду
    4. IV
    1) set smth. somewhere set the books back положить /поставить/ книги на место; set the chairs back отодвигать стулья; set back one's shoulders расправить плечи; the dog set its ears back собака прижала уши; set the clock (one's watch, the alarm, the hand of the watch, etc.) back one hour перевести часы /отвести часы/ на один час назад; set one's watch forward one hour поставить /перевести/ часы на один час вперед; set a house well (some distance /some way/, a fair distance, etc.) back from the road (from the street, etc.) построить /поставить/ дом вдали и т.д. от дороги и т.д.; set the book (one's knitting, the newspaper, etc.) aside отложить в сторону /отодвинуть/ книгу и т.A; set down one's load (one's suitcase, a box, etc.) опустить свой груз и т.д. (на землю)-, set the tray down поставить (на стол и т.я.) поднос; set the chair upright поднять стул; set smb. somewhere set the dogs apart растащить [дерущихся] собак; set the children apart отделять /изолировать/ детей
    2) set smb., smth. in some direction the current set them (the boat, the ship, etc.) northward (seawards, etc.) течением их и т.д. понесло к северу и т.д.
    5. V
    set smb. smth.
    1) set the boys (the students, the employees, etc.) a difficult job (an easy task, a difficult problem, the job of cleaning the yard, etc.) (заплавать мальчикам и т.д. трудную работу и т.д., set oneself a difficult task ставить перед бабой трудную задачу; set him a sum задавать ему арифметическую задачу; set one's son a goal поставить перед своим сыном цель
    2) set the children (the younger boys, youngsters, other people, etc.) a good example подавать детям и т.д. хороший пример; set smb. smth. to do smth. set smb. a standard /a pattern/ to follow служить для кого-л. образцом, которому надо следовать
    6. VI
    set smth., smb. in some state
    1) set the window (the door, the gates, etc.) open открывать /оставлять открытым/ окно и т.д.; set the door ajar приоткрывать дверь, оставить дверь полуоткрытой; set one's hat (one's tie, one's skirt, etc.) straight поправить шляпу и т.д., надеть шляпу и т.д. как следует; set the prisoners (the bird, etc.) free освобождать /выпускать на свободу, на волю/ узников и т.д.; set the dog loose спускать собаку (с цепи, с поводка и т.п.); a good night's rest will set you right за ночь вы отдохнете и снова будете хорошо себя чувствовать; why didn't you set the boy right? почему же вы не поправили мальчика?; I can soon set that right я могу это быстро уладить или исправить; set errors right исправлять ошибки; it would set him (myself) right in their eyes это оправдает его (меня) в их глазах; set things /matters/ straight /right/ уладить дела; set things ready приводить все в готовность; set smb.'s curiosity agog возбуждать чье-л. любопытство
    7. VII
    1) set smb. to do smth. set the men to chop wood (the men to saw wood, the boys to dig a field, the pupils to work at their algebra, the girl to shell peas, the pupils to sing, etc.) заставлять рабочих колоть дрова и т.д.; I set him to work at mowing the lawn я велел ему /дал ему задание/ постричь газон; я вменил ему в обязанность подстригать газон; whom did you set to do this? кому вы поручили это сделать?; I set myself to study the problem я решил взяться за изучение этого вопроса; he set himself to finish the job by the end of May он твердо решил /поставил себе целью/ закончить работу к концу мая
    2) set smth. to do smth. set a machine (a device, a mechanism, etc.) to work приводить в действие /завалять. запускать/ машину и т.д.; set the alarm clock to wake us at seven заводить будильник, чтобы он поднял нас в семь часов, поставить будильник на семь часов
    3) set smth. to do smth. set a pattern to be followed подавать пример; создавать пример для подражания
    8. VIII
    set smb., smth. doing smth. set everybody (the company, people, me, etc.) thinking (singing, running, etc.) заставить всех и т.д. (при)задуматься и т.д.; set smb. talking а) заставить кого-л. говорить, разговорить кого-л.; I set him talking about the new invention (about the discovery, about marriage, etc.) я навел его на разговор о новом изобретении и т.д.; б) дать кому-л. пищу для разговоров; this incident set people talking этот случай /инцидент/ вызвал всякие пересуды; my jokes set the whole table (the company, the audience, the boys, etc.) laughing мой шутки смешили всех за столом и т.д.; set them wondering вызвать у них удивление; the smoke set her coughing от дыма она закашлялась; who has set the dog barking? кто там прошел?, почему лает собака?; set tongues wagging вызывать толки /пересуды/, давать пищу для сплетен; the news set my heart beating эта новость заставила мое сердце забиться; it's time we set the machinery (the machine, the engine, etc.) going пора запустить механизм и т.д. /привести механизм и т.д. в действие/; when anybody entered the device set the bell ringing когда кто-нибудь входил, срабатывало устройство и звонок начинал звонить; а strong wind set the bells ringing от сильного ветра колокола зазвонили; set a top spinning запускать волчок; а false step will set stones rolling один неверный шаг set и камни покатятся вниз; set a plan going начать осуществление плана; we must set things going надо начинать действовать
    9. XI
    1) be set in (near, round, on, etc.) smth. her house is set well back in the garden (near the road, some way back from the street, on a hill, etc.) ее дом стоит а глубине сада и т.д.; а town (a country-seat, a village, etc.) is set in a woodland (on an island, north of /from/ London, etc.) город и т.д. расположен в лесистой местности и т.д.; а boundary stone is set between two fields поля разделяет межевой камень; а balcony is set round the house вокруг дома идет балкон; the second act (the scene, the play, etc.) is set in ancient Rome (in a street, in Paris, etc.) действие второго акта и т.д. происходит в древнем Риме и т.д.; а screen is set in a wall экран вделан /вмонтирован/ в стену; there was a little door set in a wall в стене была маленькая дверка; а ruby (a diamond, etc.) was set in a buckle (in a gold ring, in an earring, etc.) в пряжку и т.д. был вделан /вставлен/ рубин и т.д.; а ruby is set in gold рубин в золотой оправе /оправлен золотом/; his blue eyes are set deep in a white face на его бледном лице глубоко посажены голубые глаза; the young plants should be set at intervals of six inches эти молодые растения надо сажать на расстоянии шести дюймов [друг от друга]; be set with smth. the coast is set with modem resorts на побережье раскинулось множество современных курортов; the tops of the wall were set with broken glass верхний край стены был утыкан битым стеклом; the room is set with tables and chairs комната заставлена столами и стульями; tables were set with little sprays of blue flowers столы были украшены маленькими букетиками синих цветов: the field was set with daisies поле было усеяно маргаритками; the sky was set with stars небо было усыпано звездами; а bracelet (a ring, a crown, a sword-handle, a valuable ornament, etc.) was set with diamonds (with jewels, with gems, with rubies, with pearls, with precious stones, etc.) браслет и т.д. был украшен /усыпан/ бриллиантами и т.д.; а gold ring set with two fine pearls золотое кольцо с двумя большими жемчужинами
    3) be set on smth., smb. he (his mind, his heart) was set on it ему этого очень хотелось; his heart was set on her a) он любил лишь ее; б) все его помыслы были связаны с ней; be set on doing smth. be set on going to the stage (on coming here again, etc.) твердо решить пойти на сцену и т.д.; be set on going to the sea окончательно решить стать моряком; be set on having a motor bike (on winning, on finding him, etc.) поставить своей целью приобрести мотоцикл и т.д.; be set against smth.,smb. he is set against all reforms (against having electric light in the house, against this marriage, against the trip, etc.) он решительно [настроен] против всяких реформ и т.д.; he is set against her он и слышать о ней не хочет; be set against doing smth. he was violently set against meeting her он упорно отказывался встретиться /от встречи/ с ней /противился встрече с ней/
    4) be set on by smb. she was set on by robbers (by a lot of roughs in the dark, by a dog, etc.) на нее напали грабители и т.д.
    5) be set the table is set стол накрыт; the sails are set паруса подняты; be set for smb., smth. the table is set for six стол накрыт на шесть человек /персон/; the table is set for dinner (for lunch, etc.) стол накрыт к обеду и т.д.; be set in some state slaves (prisoners, hostages, etc.) were set free /at liberty/ рабы и т.д. были освобождены /отпущены на волю/; this must be set in order a) это надо привести в порядок; б) это надо разместить /разложить/ по порядку; the motor was set in motion включили мотор
    6) be set at some time the mortar is already set цемент уже схватился /затвердел/; the jelly is not set yet желе еще не застыло; has the type for the book been set yet? эту книгу уже набрали?; it was all set now теперь все было готово /подготовлено/; be set in some manner his lips (his jaws, his teeth) were firmly set in an effort to control himself он плотно сжал губы (челюсти, зубы), пытаясь овладеть собой; his mind and character are completely set он вполне сформировался /сложился/ как личность; be set to do smth. be set to go there быть готовым пойти туда; two pumps (machines, wheels, etc.) were set to work два насоса и т.д. были включены /приведены в действие/; be set for smth. be set for the talk (for the meeting, for the game, for the journey, etc.) быть готовым к разговору и т.д.; the scene is set for the tragedy (for the drama, for the climax, etc.) события (в книге, в пьесе и т.п.) подводят /подготавливают/ (читателя, зрителя и т.п.) к трагедии и т.д.; he was all set for a brilliant career у него были все задатки для блестящей карьеры
    7) be set over smb. he was set over people ему была дана власть над людьми; he was set over his rivals его ставили выше его соперников
    8) be set against smth. one's expenses must be set against the amount received расходы следует соразмерить с доходами; the advantages must be set against the disadvantages надо учесть все плюсы и минусы; against these gains must be set the loss of prestige оценивая эти выгоды, нельзя забывать об ущербе в связи с потерей престижа; it's no good when theory is set against practice плохо, когда теорию противопоставляют практике; when one language is set against another... когда один язык сравнивают /сопоставляют/ с другим...
    9) be set for some time the examination (the voting, his departure, etc.) is set for today (for May 2, etc.) экзамен и т.д. назначен на сегодня и т.д., the party is all set for Monday at my place решено вечеринку провести в понедельник у меня; the time and date of the meeting have not yet been set дата и время собрания еще не установлены; be set by smth., smb. rules (standards, terms, fees, etc.) are set by a committee (by the law, by the headmaster, etc.) правила и т.д. устанавливаются комиссией и т.д.
    10) be set the list of questions is set список вопросов /вопросник/ составлен; be set for smth. what subjects have been set for the examination next year? какие предметы включены в экзамен на будущий год? || be set to music быть положенным на музыку
    11) be set in smth. the editorial was set in boldface type передовая была набрана жирным шрифтом
    10. XII
    have smth. set we have everything set у нас все готово /подготовлено/; the ship has her sails set корабль поднял паруса; have a place set for a guest поставить прибор для гостя
    11. XIII
    set to do smth. set to dig the garden (to write letters, etc.) начать вскапывать сад и т.д.; the engineers set to repair the bridge инженеры приступили к ремонту моста
    12. XVI
    1) set behind (in, on, etc.) smth. the sun sets behind the western range of mountains солнце садится за горной грядой на западе; the sun sets in the sea солнце садится в море; the sun never sets on our country над нашей страной никогда не заходит солнце; set at (in) smth. the sun sets at five o'clock (in the evening, etc.) солнце заходит в пять часов и т.д.
    2) set against (to, from, etc.) smth. set against the wind (against the current) двигаться, направляться (идти, плыть и т.п.) против ветра (против течения); set against the tide идти против прилива; the wind sets from the south (from the west, from the north-east, etc.) ветер дует с юга и т.д.: the current sets to the west (to the south, through the channel, through the straits, etc.) течение идет на запад и т.д.; the tide has set in his favour ему начинает везти
    3) set against (with) smth., smb. public opinion is setting against this proposal (against this plan, against his visit, against him, etc.) общественное мнение складывается не в пользу этого предложения и т.д.; circumstances were setting with our plan (with him, etc.) обстоятельства складывались благоприятно для осуществления нашего плана и т.д.
    4) set about (upon, on, to) smth. set about the study of mineralogy (about the composition, about it, about one's washing, about one's work, etc.) приниматься /браться/ за изучение минералогии и т.д.; I don't know how to set about this job не знаю, как приступить /как подступиться/ к этой работе; they set upon the task unwillingly они неохотно взялись за выполнение этой задачи; set to work in earnest, set seriously to work серьезно браться за работу; set to work on the problem приняться за работу над этой проблемой; set to work on one's studies начать заниматься, приняться за учение
    5) set up (on) smb. set upon the enemy атаковать противника; а gang of ruffians set on him на него напала шайка хулиганов; they set upon him with blows они набросились на него с кулаками; they set upon us with arguments они обрушились на нас со своими доводами; set about /at/ smb. coll. set about the boys (about the stranger, about the supporters of the other team, at the bully, etc.) набрасываться /налетать, наскакивать/ на мальчишек и т.д.; they set about each other at once они сразу же сцепились друг с другом /начали колошматить друг друга/; I'd set about you myself if I could я бы сам отколотил тебя, если бы мог; I'd set about him with a stick (with the butt of the spade, etc.) if we have any trouble если что [не так], я стукну его палкой и т.д.
    6) set in smth. cement soon sets in dry weather (in the cold, in the sun, etc.) в сухую погоду /когда сухо,/ и т.д. цемент быстро затвердевает /застывает/
    13. XVII
    set about (to) doing smth. set about getting dinner ready (about tidying up the room, about doing one's lessons, about stamp-collecting, late.) приниматься за обед /за приготовление обеда/ и т.д.; I must. set about my packing мне надо [начать] укладываться; he asked me how lie should set about learning German он спросил меня, с чего ему начать изучение немецкого языка; set to arguing (to fighting, to quarrelling. etc.) начинать /приниматься/ спорить и т.д.; they set to packing они стали упаковываться
    14. XXI1
    1) set smth., smb. on (at, against, in, before, for, etc.) smth., smb. set dishes (a lamp, one's glass, etc.) on the table поставить тарелки и т.д. на стол; set a place for the guest поставить прибор для гостя; set food and drink (wine and nuts, meat, a dish, etc.) before guests (before travellers, etc.) поставить еду и напитки и т.д. перед гостями и т.д.; set a table by the window (an armchair before a desk, a floor-lamp beside an armchair, etc.) поставить стол у окна и т.д.; set chairs around (at) a table расставлять стулья вокруг (у) стола; set a ladder (a bicycle, a stick, etc.) against a wall прислонить /приставить/ лестницу и т.д. к стене; set one's hand on smb.'s shoulder положить руку кому-л. на плечо; set a hand against the door опереться рукой о дверь; set smb. on his feet поставить кого-л. на ноги
    2) set smth., smb. in (by, on, upon, etc.) smth. set things in their place again вернуть /положить/ вещи на место; set flowers in the water (in a vase, etc.) поставить цветы в воду и т.д.; set glass in a window вставлять стекло в окно; set lamps in 'walls вделывать светильники в стены; set one's foot in the stirrup вставить ногу в стремя; set the stake in the ground вкопать столб в землю; set a pearl (a jewel, a diamond, etc.) in gold оправлять жемчужину и т.д. в золото; set smb. by the fire усадить кого-л. у огня: set a child in a high chair посадить ребенка ка высокий стул; set smb. in the dock посадить кого-л. на скамью подсудимых; set a wheel on an axle насадить колесо на ось: set a hen on eggs, set eggs under a hen посадить курицу на яйца; set a boy on horseback подсадить мальчика на лошадь; set smb. on the pedestal поставить /возвести/ кого-л. на пьедестал; set troops on shore высадить войска [на берег]; set one's foot oil a step поставить ногу на ступеньку; set foot on shore ступить на берег; I'll never set foot on your threshold я никогда не переступлю порог вашего дома; set a crown on his head возложить на него корону; set a king on the throne посадить короля на трон; set a kiss upon smb.'s hand приложиться к чьей-л. руке; set smth. with smth. set the top of the wall with broken glass утыкать верхнюю часть стены битым стеклом; set this bed with tulips (with geraniums, etc.) засадить эту клумбу тюльпанами и т.д. || set eyes on smb., smth. увидеть кого-л что-л., I never set eyes on him before today до сегодняшнего дня я его в глаза не видел; that child wants everything he sets his eyes on этому ребенку вынь, да положь все, что он видит
    3) set smth. to smth. set a glass (a trumpet, etc.) to one's lips, set one's lips to a glass (to a trumpet, etc.) подносить стакан и т.д. к губам /ко рту/; set a match (a lighter) to a cigarette (to old papers, to a fire, etc.) подносить спичку (зажигалку) к сигарете и т.д.; set one's shoulder to the door налечь плечом на дверь; set spurs to a horse пришпорить лошадь
    4) set smb. across smth. set him across the river переправлять его через реку /на другой берег/; set a child across the street перевести ребенка на другую сторону улицы /через улицу/; set smth. by smth. set a ship by the compass вести корабль по компасу; set smth. against (to ward(s), to) smth. set the boat against the wind (against the current) направлять лодку против ветра и т.д.; set one's course to the south направляться на юг; set one's face toward the east (toward home, towards the sun, etc.) повернуться лицом к востоку и т.д.; set smb. after (at, on, etc.) smb., smth. set the police (detectives, etc.) after /on the track of/ the criminal (on her, after the spies, etc.) направлять полицию и т.д. по следу преступника и т.д.; set the boys on the wrong (right) track направлять мальчишек по ложному (по правильному) следу; set a dog at a hare (at a fox, at a bull, at his heels, etc.) пустить собаку по следу зайца и т.д.; set dogs on a stranger (on a trespasser, on thieves, etc.) спустить собак на незнакомца и т.д. || set sail for India отплывать /направляться/ в Индию
    5) set smb. against (on, to, etc.) smb., smth. set people against each other (a friend against another, everyone against him, etc.) настраивать людей друг против друга и т.д.; he is trying to set you against me он старается восстановить вас против меня; set oneself against the proposal (against the scheme, against the decision, against his nomination, against him, etc.) был настроенным /выступать/ против этого предложения и т.д.; set the crowd on acts of violence (the crew to mutiny, soldiers to violence, people to robbery, etc.) подстрекать толпу на совершение актов насилия /к насилию/ и т.д.; set smth. against smth. set one thing against another противопоставлять одно другому; set one language against another сопоставлять /сравнивать/ один язык с другим; set smth. on smth. set one's heart /one's mind/ on the trip твердо настроиться на эту поездку; set one's heart on a new dress (on a new car, etc.) жаждать /очень хотеть/ купить новое платье и т.д.; he set his thoughts on the plan все его помыслы направлены на осуществление этого плана || set him at odds with his friends рассорить его с друзьями
    6) set smb., smth. to smth. set the class (the boys, him, etc.) to work (to a task, to sums, to dictation, etc.) засадить класс и т.д. за работу и т.д.; set one's mind /one's wits/ to a question (to a task, to a job, etc.) сосредоточиться на каком-л. вопросе и т.д.; you won't find the work difficult if only you set your mind to it если вы серьезно возьметесь за дело, работа не покажется вам трудной; set one's hand to the work (to the task, to the plough, etc.) взяться за работу и т.д.; he set himself resolutely to the task он решительно взялся за выполнение задачи; set а реп to' paper начать писать, взяться за перо; set smth. before smb. set a task (an object) before him поставить перед ним задачу
    7) set smth., smb. т (on, at, to) smth. set one's affairs (one's papers, one's house, a room, etc.) in order /to rights/ приводить свои дела и т.д. в порядок; set a machine in motion запустить машину; set the project in motion начинать работу над объектом; set the machinery of the government in motion приводить государственную машину в движение; set a chain reaction in motion вызвать цепную реакцию; his jokes set the audience (the table, the whole room, etc.) in a roar от его шуток вся аудитория и т.д. покатывалась со смеху; set smb. on his guard настораживать кого-л.; set smb. (smb.'s guests, the boy, smb.'s mind, etc.) at ease успокаивать кого-л. и т.д.; he set the girl at ease с ним девушке стало легко /девушка почувствовала себя свободно/; а host should try and set his guests at ease хозяин должен стараться, чтобы его гости чувствовали себя свободно /как дома/: now you may set your mind at ease теперь вы можете перестать волноваться /не волноваться/; set a question (the affair, the matter, etc.) at rest разрешить /урегулировать/ вопрос и т.д.; that sets all my doubts at rest это рассеивает все мои сомнения; set prisoners at liberty освобождать заключенных
    8) set smth. for smth. set the table for dinner (for five people, for two, etc.) накрыть стол к обеду и т.д.; set the stage for the next scene in a play подготовить сцену для следующей картины [в пьесе]; set the scene for talks подготовить условия /создать благоприятную обстановку/ для переговоров; set smth. by smth. set one's watch by the radio timesignal (by the town clock, by the clock in the library, by mine, etc.) ставить /сверять/ часы по радиосигналу и т.д.; set smth. to (for, at) smth. set the clock (the hands of the clock) to the correct time (to the proper hour of the day, etc.) точно поставить часы и т.д.; set the alarm for 5 o'clock (the camera lens to infinity, a thermostat at 70°, etc.) поставить будильник на пять часов и т.д.
    9) set smb., smth. at (in, он, etc.) smth. set a guard (a sentry, etc.) at the door (at the gate, at the corner of the street, in the nearest village, on the hill, etc.) поставить сторожа /часового/ и т.д. у дверей и т.д.; set pickets around the camp выставлять дозорных вокруг лагеря
    10) set smb., smth. over (before, among, etc.) smb., smth. set him over others (a supervisor over the new workers, etc.) назначать его начальником над остальными и т.д.; set Vergil before Homer отдавать предпочтение Вергилию перед Гомером, ставить Вергилия выше Гомера; set the author among the greatest writers of today (the painter among the best artists of the world, the team among the strongest teams of Europe, etc.) считать автора одним из крупнейших писателей современности и т.д.; set duty before pleasure ставить долг выше удовольствий /на первое место/; set honesty above everything (diamonds above rubies, etc.) ценить честность превыше всего и т.д., his intelligence (his talent, his character, etc.) sets him apart from others (from ordinary people, from the normal run of people, etc.) его ум и т.д. выделяют его среди других и т.д.; her bright red hair sets her apart from her sisters из всех сестер у нее одной были ярко-рыжие волосы
    11) set smth. at smth. set the price (the value of the canvas, etc.) at t 1000 оценить / назначить, определить цену/ и т.д. в тысячу фунтов; set bail at i 500 установить сумму залога в пятьсот фунтов; set neatness at a high value очень ценить аккуратность, придавать большое значение опрятности; set smth. for smth. set a time for a meeting назначать время собрания; set the rules for a contest вырабатывать правила состязания; set the lesson for tomorrow задавать урок на завтра; set smth. to /for /smth. set limits to smb.'s power (to his extravagance, to his demands, etc.) ограничивать чью-л. власть и т.д., устанавливать предел чьей-л. власти и т.д.; he sets no limit to his ambition его честолюбие не знает предела; set a time-limit for examination установить продолжительность экзамена; set a time-limit for debates установить регламент для выступления в прениях; set a record for the mile устанавливать рекорд в беге на одну милю; set an end to it положить этому конец; set smth. on smth., smb. set a high value on life (on punctuality, etc.) высоко ценить жизнь и т.д.; set a punishment on smb. налагать наказание на кого-л., определять кому-л. меру наказания; set a price on smb.'s head /on smb.'s life/ назначить награду за чью-л. голову /за чью-л. жизнь/; set smth. at some time set the death of the man at midnight установить, что смерть этого человека наступила в полночь || set much store by smth. придавать большее значение чему-л.; set much store by social position (by daily exercise, by what the neighbours say, by the opinion of people like him, etc.) придавать большое значение общественному положению и т.д.
    12) set smth. for (in, to, etc.) smth. set papers for the examination составлять экзаменационные работы; set new questions (problems, etc.) in an examination подготовить новые вопросы и т.д. для экзамена; set the words (this poem, etc.) to music положить эти слова и т.д. на музыку; set new words to an old tune сочинить новые слова на старый мотив; set Othello to music а) написать музыку к "Отелло"; б) написать /сочинить/ оперу "Отелло"; set a piece of music for the violin переложить музыкальное произведение для скрипки
    13) set smth. before smb. set a plan (facts, one's theory, one's proposals, etc.) before the council (before the chief, before experts, etc.) изложить совету /представить на рассмотрение совета/ и т.д. план и т.д.
    14) set smth. to smth. set one's name /one's signature, one's hand/ to a document подписать документ; set a seal to the decree скрепить указ печатью; set smth. on smth. set a veto on smth. накладывать запрет на что-л.
    15) set smth. on (in) smth., smb. set one's life on a chance рисковать жизнью в надежде на удачу; set one's future on a chance строить планы на будущее в расчете на счастливое стечение обстоятельств; set hopes on a chance (on him, on his uncle, etc.) надеяться /возлагать надежды/ на случай и т.д.
    16) set smth. for smb. set a snare for a fox поставить капкан на лису; set poison for rats разложить отраву для крыс
    17) set smth. for smth. set milk for cheese ставить молоко на творог, створаживать молоко
    18) || set fire to a house (to a barn, etc.) поджигать дом и т.д.; set the woods (a woodpile, etc.) on fire поджигать лес и т.д.
    15. XXII
    1) set smth. on doing smth. set one's heart /one's hopes, one's mind, one's thoughts/ on becoming an engineer (on going with us, on going abroad, etc.) очень хотеть /стремиться/ стать инженером и т.д.; I set my heart on going today я решил ехать сегодня; he sets his hopes on getting on in life он очень надеется преуспеть в жизни /добиться в жизни успеха/; if he once sets his mind on doing something it takes a lot to dissuade him если он настроился на что-либо, его очень трудно отговорить
    2) set smb. to doing smth. set him to woodchopping поставить его на колку дров, заставить его колоть дрова; set her to thinking заставить ее задуматься; set a child to crying довести ребенка до слез; he set himself to amusing me он изо всех сил старался развлечь меня
    16. XXIV1
    set smth. as smth. set education (money, revenge, etc.) as one's goal /as one's aim, as one's object, as one's purpose, as one's task/ поставить себе целью получить образование в т.д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > set

  • 17 television

    television ['telɪ‚vɪʒən]
    1 noun
    (a) (system, broadcasts) télévision f;
    to watch television regarder la télévision;
    we don't watch much television on ne regarde pas souvent la télévision;
    to go on television passer à la télévision;
    to work in television travailler à la télévision;
    a film made for television un téléfilm;
    it makes/doesn't make good television ça a/n'a pas un bon impact télévisuel
    (b) (set) téléviseur m, (poste m de) télévision f;
    I saw her on (the) television je l'ai vue à la télévision;
    to turn the television up/down/off/on monter le son de/baisser le son de/éteindre/allumer la télévision;
    is there anything good on television tonight? qu'est-ce qu'il y a de bien à la télévision ce soir?;
    colour/black-and-white television télévision f (en) couleur/(en) noir et blanc
    (engineer, station, screen) de télévision; (picture) télévisé; (satellite) de télédiffusion;
    to make a television appearance passer à la télévision
    ►► television advertisement publicité f télévisée;
    television advertising publicité f télévisée;
    television audience (reached by advertising) audience f télévisuelle;
    television broadcaster télédiffuseur m;
    television broadcasting network réseau m de télédistribution;
    television camera caméra f de télévision;
    it's my first time in front of the television cameras c'est la première fois que je suis devant les caméras;
    television campaign campagne f télévisuelle;
    television channel chaîne f de télévision;
    television drama drame m télévisé;
    television film téléfilm m, film m pour la télévision;
    television guide journal m de télévision;
    television interview interview f télévisée ou à la télévision;
    television journalist journaliste mf de télévision;
    British television licence (fee) redevance f; (document) quittance f de télévision;
    television lounge salle f de télévision;
    television network réseau m télévisuel;
    television news journal m télévisé, JT m;
    television personality vedette f de la télévision;
    television programme émission f de télévision, programme m télévisé;
    television receiver récepteur m de télévision;
    television rights droits mpl de télédiffusion;
    television room salle f de télévision;
    television set téléviseur m, (poste m de) télévision f;
    television show spectacle m télévisé;
    television sponsoring parrainage-télévision m;
    television studio studio m de télévision;
    (a) (film) = téléfilm tiré d'un livre ou d'un film; (series) = série télévisée tirée d'un livre ou d'un film
    (b) (at conference, public event) retransmission f;
    there will be a television tie-in at the conference la conférence sera retransmise à la télévision;
    television tube tube m cathodique;
    television viewer téléspectateur(trice) m,f;
    Marketing television viewing panel panel m de téléspectateurs

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > television

  • 18 Demenÿ, Georges

    b. 1850 Douai, France d. 1917
    French chronophotographer.
    As a young man Georges Demenÿ was a pioneer of physical education in France, and this led him to contact the physiologist Professor Marey in 1880. Marey had made a special study of animal movement, and Demenÿ hoped to work with him on research into physiological problems related to gymnastics. He joined Marey the following year, and when in 1882 the Physiological Station was set up near Paris to develop sequence photography for the study of movement. Demenÿ was made Head of the laboratory. He worked with the multiple-image fixed-plate cameras, and was chiefly responsible for the analysis of the records, having considerable mathematical and graphical ability. He also appeared as the subject in a number of the sequences. When in 1888 Marey began the development of a film camera, Demenÿ was involved in its design and operation. He became interested in the possibility of using animated sequence photographs as an aid to teaching of the deaf. He made close-up records of himself speaking short phrases, "Je vous aime" and "Vive la France" for example, which were published in such journals as Paris Photographe and La Nature in 1891 and 1892. To present these in motion, he devised the Phonoscope, which he patented on 3 March 1892. The series of photographs were mounted around the circumference of a disc and viewed through a counter-rotating slotted disc. The moving images could be viewed directly, or projected onto a screen. La Nature reported tests he had made in which deaf lip readers could interpret accurately what was being said. On 20 December 1892 Demenÿ formed a company, Société Générale du Phonoscope, to exploit his invention, hoping that "speaking portraits" might replace family-album pictures. This commercial activity led to a rift between Marey and Demenÿ in July 1893. Deprived of access to the film cameras, Demenÿ developed designs of his own, patenting new camera models in France on 10 October 1893 and 27 July 1894. The design covered by the latter had been included in English and German patents filed in December 1893, and was to be of some significance in the early development of cinematography. It was for an intermittent movement of the film, which used an eccentrically mounted blade or roller that, as it rotated, bore on the film, pulling down the length of one frame. As the blade moved away, the film loop so formed was taken up by the rotation of the take-up reel. This "beater" movement was employed extensively in the early years of cinematography, being effective yet inexpensive. It was first employed in the Chronophotographe apparatus marketed by Gaumont, to whom Demenÿ had licensed the patent rights, from the autumn of 1896. Demenÿ's work provided a link between the scientific purposes of sequence photography— chronophotography—and the introduction of commercial cinematography.
    Further Reading
    J.Deslandes, 1966, Histoire comparée du cinéma, Vol. I, Paris. B.Coe, 1992, Muybridge and the Chronophotographers, London.

    Biographical history of technology > Demenÿ, Georges

  • 19 Edison, Thomas Alva

    b. 11 February 1847 Milan, Ohio, USA
    d. 18 October 1931 Glenmont
    American inventor and pioneer electrical developer.
    He was the son of Samuel Edison, who was in the timber business. His schooling was delayed due to scarlet fever until 1855, when he was 8½ years old, but he was an avid reader. By the age of 14 he had a job as a newsboy on the railway from Port Huron to Detroit, a distance of sixty-three miles (101 km). He worked a fourteen-hour day with a stopover of five hours, which he spent in the Detroit Free Library. He also sold sweets on the train and, later, fruit and vegetables, and was soon making a profit of $20 a week. He then started two stores in Port Huron and used a spare freight car as a laboratory. He added a hand-printing press to produce 400 copies weekly of The Grand Trunk Herald, most of which he compiled and edited himself. He set himself to learn telegraphy from the station agent at Mount Clements, whose son he had saved from being run over by a freight car.
    At the age of 16 he became a telegraphist at Port Huron. In 1863 he became railway telegraphist at the busy Stratford Junction of the Grand Trunk Railroad, arranging a clock with a notched wheel to give the hourly signal which was to prove that he was awake and at his post! He left hurriedly after failing to hold a train which was nearly involved in a head-on collision. He usually worked the night shift, allowing himself time for experiments during the day. His first invention was an arrangement of two Morse registers so that a high-speed input could be decoded at a slower speed. Moving from place to place he held many positions as a telegraphist. In Boston he invented an automatic vote recorder for Congress and patented it, but the idea was rejected. This was the first of a total of 1180 patents that he was to take out during his lifetime. After six years he resigned from the Western Union Company to devote all his time to invention, his next idea being an improved ticker-tape machine for stockbrokers. He developed a duplex telegraphy system, but this was turned down by the Western Union Company. He then moved to New York.
    Edison found accommodation in the battery room of Law's Gold Reporting Company, sleeping in the cellar, and there his repair of a broken transmitter marked him as someone of special talents. His superior soon resigned, and he was promoted with a salary of $300 a month. Western Union paid him $40,000 for the sole rights on future improvements on the duplex telegraph, and he moved to Ward Street, Newark, New Jersey, where he employed a gathering of specialist engineers. Within a year, he married one of his employees, Mary Stilwell, when she was only 16: a daughter, Marion, was born in 1872, and two sons, Thomas and William, in 1876 and 1879, respectively.
    He continued to work on the automatic telegraph, a device to send out messages faster than they could be tapped out by hand: that is, over fifty words per minute or so. An earlier machine by Alexander Bain worked at up to 400 words per minute, but was not good over long distances. Edison agreed to work on improving this feature of Bain's machine for the Automatic Telegraph Company (ATC) for $40,000. He improved it to a working speed of 500 words per minute and ran a test between Washington and New York. Hoping to sell their equipment to the Post Office in Britain, ATC sent Edison to England in 1873 to negotiate. A 500-word message was to be sent from Liverpool to London every half-hour for six hours, followed by tests on 2,200 miles (3,540 km) of cable at Greenwich. Only confused results were obtained due to induction in the cable, which lay coiled in a water tank. Edison returned to New York, where he worked on his quadruplex telegraph system, tests of which proved a success between New York and Albany in December 1874. Unfortunately, simultaneous negotiation with Western Union and ATC resulted in a lawsuit.
    Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent for a telephone in March 1876 while Edison was still working on the same idea. His improvements allowed the device to operate over a distance of hundreds of miles instead of only a few miles. Tests were carried out over the 106 miles (170 km) between New York and Philadelphia. Edison applied for a patent on the carbon-button transmitter in April 1877, Western Union agreeing to pay him $6,000 a year for the seventeen-year duration of the patent. In these years he was also working on the development of the electric lamp and on a duplicating machine which would make up to 3,000 copies from a stencil. In 1876–7 he moved from Newark to Menlo Park, twenty-four miles (39 km) from New York on the Pennsylvania Railway, near Elizabeth. He had bought a house there around which he built the premises that would become his "inventions factory". It was there that he began the use of his 200- page pocket notebooks, each of which lasted him about two weeks, so prolific were his ideas. When he died he left 3,400 of them filled with notes and sketches.
    Late in 1877 he applied for a patent for a phonograph which was granted on 19 February 1878, and by the end of the year he had formed a company to manufacture this totally new product. At the time, Edison saw the device primarily as a business aid rather than for entertainment, rather as a dictating machine. In August 1878 he was granted a British patent. In July 1878 he tried to measure the heat from the solar corona at a solar eclipse viewed from Rawlins, Wyoming, but his "tasimeter" was too sensitive.
    Probably his greatest achievement was "The Subdivision of the Electric Light" or the "glow bulb". He tried many materials for the filament before settling on carbon. He gave a demonstration of electric light by lighting up Menlo Park and inviting the public. Edison was, of course, faced with the problem of inventing and producing all the ancillaries which go to make up the electrical system of generation and distribution-meters, fuses, insulation, switches, cabling—even generators had to be designed and built; everything was new. He started a number of manufacturing companies to produce the various components needed.
    In 1881 he built the world's largest generator, which weighed 27 tons, to light 1,200 lamps at the Paris Exhibition. It was later moved to England to be used in the world's first central power station with steam engine drive at Holborn Viaduct, London. In September 1882 he started up his Pearl Street Generating Station in New York, which led to a worldwide increase in the application of electric power, particularly for lighting. At the same time as these developments, he built a 1,300yd (1,190m) electric railway at Menlo Park.
    On 9 August 1884 his wife died of typhoid. Using his telegraphic skills, he proposed to 19-year-old Mina Miller in Morse code while in the company of others on a train. He married her in February 1885 before buying a new house and estate at West Orange, New Jersey, building a new laboratory not far away in the Orange Valley.
    Edison used direct current which was limited to around 250 volts. Alternating current was largely developed by George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla, using transformers to step up the current to a higher voltage for long-distance transmission. The use of AC gradually overtook the Edison DC system.
    In autumn 1888 he patented a form of cinephotography, the kinetoscope, obtaining film-stock from George Eastman. In 1893 he set up the first film studio, which was pivoted so as to catch the sun, with a hinged roof which could be raised. In 1894 kinetoscope parlours with "peep shows" were starting up in cities all over America. Competition came from the Latham Brothers with a screen-projection machine, which Edison answered with his "Vitascope", shown in New York in 1896. This showed pictures with accompanying sound, but there was some difficulty with synchronization. Edison also experimented with captions at this early date.
    In 1880 he filed a patent for a magnetic ore separator, the first of nearly sixty. He bought up deposits of low-grade iron ore which had been developed in the north of New Jersey. The process was a commercial success until the discovery of iron-rich ore in Minnesota rendered it uneconomic and uncompetitive. In 1898 cement rock was discovered in New Village, west of West Orange. Edison bought the land and started cement manufacture, using kilns twice the normal length and using half as much fuel to heat them as the normal type of kiln. In 1893 he met Henry Ford, who was building his second car, at an Edison convention. This started him on the development of a battery for an electric car on which he made over 9,000 experiments. In 1903 he sold his patent for wireless telegraphy "for a song" to Guglielmo Marconi.
    In 1910 Edison designed a prefabricated concrete house. In December 1914 fire destroyed three-quarters of the West Orange plant, but it was at once rebuilt, and with the threat of war Edison started to set up his own plants for making all the chemicals that he had previously been buying from Europe, such as carbolic acid, phenol, benzol, aniline dyes, etc. He was appointed President of the Navy Consulting Board, for whom, he said, he made some forty-five inventions, "but they were pigeonholed, every one of them". Thus did Edison find that the Navy did not take kindly to civilian interference.
    In 1927 he started the Edison Botanic Research Company, founded with similar investment from Ford and Firestone with the object of finding a substitute for overseas-produced rubber. In the first year he tested no fewer than 3,327 possible plants, in the second year, over 1,400, eventually developing a variety of Golden Rod which grew to 14 ft (4.3 m) in height. However, all this effort and money was wasted, due to the discovery of synthetic rubber.
    In October 1929 he was present at Henry Ford's opening of his Dearborn Museum to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the incandescent lamp, including a replica of the Menlo Park laboratory. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and was elected to the American Academy of Sciences. He died in 1931 at his home, Glenmont; throughout the USA, lights were dimmed temporarily on the day of his funeral.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Member of the American Academy of Sciences. Congressional Gold Medal.
    Further Reading
    M.Josephson, 1951, Edison, Eyre \& Spottiswode.
    R.W.Clark, 1977, Edison, the Man who Made the Future, Macdonald \& Jane.

    Biographical history of technology > Edison, Thomas Alva

  • 20 Sinclair, Sir Clive Maries

    b. 30 July 1940
    English electronic engineer and inventor.
    The son of G.W.C.Sinclair, a machine tool engineer, the young Sinclair's education was disrupted by the failure of his father's business. Aged 12 he left Boxgrove preparatory school and went through twelve more schools before leaving St George's School, Weybridge, at the age of 17. His first job was as an editorial assistant on a hobbyist's magazine, Practical Wireless, and his next as an editor at Bernard Books, writing a series of technical manuals. In 1961 he registered Sinclair Radionics and in the following year announced its first product, a micro-amplifier. This was the first of a series of miniaturized radio products that he put on the market while retaining his editorial job. In 1972 he launched the Sinclair Executive calculator, selling originally at £79.95 but later at £24.95. In 1976, the Black Watch, an electronic watch with digital light-emitting diode (LED) display, was marketed, to be followed by the TV1A, a miniature television with a 2 in. (5 cm) monochrome screen. During the latter part of this period, Sinclair Radionics was supported by investment from the UK National Enterprise Board, who appointed an outside managing director; after making a considerable loss, they closed the company in 1979. However, Sinclair Electronics had already been set up and started to market the UK's first cheap computer kit, the MK 14, which was followed by the ZX 80 and later the ZX 81. Price was kept at a minimum by the extensive use of existing components, though this was a restriction on performance. The small memory was enhanced from one kilobyte to seventeen kilobytes with the addition of a separate memory unit. In January 1985 Sinclair produced the Sinclair C5, a small three-wheeled vehicle driven by a washing-machine engine, intended as a revolutionary new form of personal transport; perceived as unsafe and impractical, it did not prove popular, and the failure of this venture resulted in a contraction of Sinclair's business activities. Later in 1985, a rival electronics company, Amstrad, paid £35,000,000 for all rights to existing Sinclair computer products.
    In March 1992, the irrepressible Sinclair launched his latest brainchild, the Zike electric bicycle; a price of £499 was forecast. This machine, powered by an electric motor but with pedal assistance, had a top speed of 19 km/h (12 mph) and, on full power, would run for up to one hour. Its lightweight nickel-cadmium battery could be recharged either by a generator or by free-wheeling. Although more practical than the C5, it did not bring Sinclair success on the scale of his earlier micro-electronic products.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1983.
    Further Reading
    I.Adamson and R.Kennedy, 1986, Sinclair and the "Sunrise" Technology, Harmondsworth: Penguin.

    Biographical history of technology > Sinclair, Sir Clive Maries

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